Protocol for Members and Officers in respect of International Travel


Applicable to both Councillors and Officers

·        All international travel journeys shall be undertaken for legitimate council business reasons only.


·        All travel arrangements will be confirmed as “economy class” or at the lowest costs to the public purse.  Councillors and Officers would be able to upgrade their ticket but do so at their own personal expense.


·        Councillors and Officers will provide the Council with confirmation that they are no known medical reasons which could prevent them from undertaking international travel, flights etc.


·        Subject to meeting health and any other requirements which may be deemed necessary in respect of the proposed travel arrangements and destination, the Council will provide appropriate insurance for the Councillor or Officer.


Applicable to Councillors only


Authorisation for expenditure for international travel shall be sought from the s151 Officer.


Applicable to Officers only


The Council’s Corporate Management Team will authorise expenditure for international travel for officers following consultation with the s151 Officer.